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  • CVK Park Prestige Suites Istanbul
  • CVK Taksim Hotel Istanbul
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  • CVK Park Bosphorus Hotel Istanbul
  • CVK Park Prestige Suites Istanbul
  • CVK Taksim Hotel Istanbul
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CVK Members Discount
Breakfast table arranged in the outdoor area at CVK Hotels
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CVK Members Discount

King bed and bedside lamp in a room with a balcony at CVK Hotels

Discover our special accommodation offers for CVK Rewards Members.

You can automatically access the discount rates determined specifically for the status of our members.

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Other Special Offers
King bed and a sofa in Terrace Bosphorus Suite at CVK Park Bosphorus Hotel Istanbul

Romantic Getaway

Decorated dining table in Istanbul Ballroom at CVK Park Bosphorus Hotel Istanbul

Wedding Package

Living lounge with a comfy sofa in Taksim Suite at CVK Taksim Hotel Istanbul

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